Recruiting Domestic Help

Residents can recruit domestic help at any of the Tadbeer centres around the Emirate. These centres manage the entire visa process, which includes submitting documentation, visa fees, medical screening, insurance and biometric scanning for Emirates ID. Tadbeer conducts orientation and training for the workers as well. Through Tadbeer you can recruit a candidate, file for sponsorship and execute an employment contract. The costs associated with the sponsorship of domestic help varies based on nationality and job title.
Rights and Regulations
Time-based sponsorship allows you to employ the worker under the sponsorship of the Tadbeer centre for a specified amount of time. This gives the employer flexibility with hiring. Tadbeer centres act as intermediaries, bringing domestic help workers from outside the country based on the employer’s specifications. It also regulates the relationship between domestic workers, recruitment agencies and employers and defines the rights and obligations of all parties.
The law has made it mandatory that all domestic workers are informed about the type of work he/she will be performing before coming to Abu Dhabi. Also, all terms and conditions should be specified in the labour contract including the worker’s rights, such as the wage, days off, annual vacation, sick leave and insurance, and his/her obligations in terms of respecting the employer privacy, belongings and performing the agreed on duties. The employer should not force the domestic helper to provide any services aside from the ones agreed on in the labour contract. The employer should inform the Ministry in case the domestic worker did not show up for work within 48 hours without prior notice or within 5 days of absence.
The UAE Helpers Facebook group, which helps domestic service workers find positions with families, is a great resource for residents interested in sponsoring domestic workers.